Guidelines for writing articles, author biodata form & description of originality can be accessed at Guidelines for writing articles, author biodata form & description of originality can be accessed at:

The steps for submitting articles can be accessed at:
Submit the identity of the author and article can be accessed at:

Berkala Ilmiah Mahasiswa Ilmu Keperawatan Indonesia (BIMIKI)Indonesian Nursing Student Journal
1. BIMIKI will only publish original articles that have never been published in other journals.

2. Manuscripts are written in good, correct, straightforward, and concise Indonesian or English.  

- The manuscripts typed in Microsoft Word, A4 paper size with right, left, top, bottom margins measuring 3 2 2 2 cm.

- The manuscript consists of maximum of 15 pages starting from the title to the bibliography.  

- For further information, you can visit the Google Drive Author.

3. Manuscripts are sent via email to the address or by enclosing identity of the author along with the address and telephone number that can be contacted.

4. Terms of Writing in general follow the following systematics:

a.  Title

b.  Name of author and institution

c.  Abstract

d.  Manuscript, consisting of: Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Suggestion

e.  References

Citation writing uses the adjusted American Psychological Association (APA) system in alphabetical order of the last name of the first author of each source used. For further information, you can visit the Google Drive Author.