Berkala Ilmiah Mahasiswa Ilmu Keperawatan Indonesia (BIMIKI) is a journal management institution overseen by ILMIKI. Background of the formation of BIMIKI in accordance with the Republic of Indonesia Directorate General of Education and Culture Certificate Number 152 / E / T / 2012 regarding mandatory scientific publication for S1 / S2 / S3, then ILMIKI cooperates with HPEQ Student to form BIMKES (Periodical Scientific Health Student) one of which is BIMIKI.

However, in 2014 the BIMKES was established by the Higher Education Directorate General so that all journal management institutions under the auspices of the BIMKES were asked to return to the shelter organization so that BIMIKI returned to the Indonesian Nursing Science Institute as a Semi-Autonomous Body under the guidance of the Directorate of Education and Professionals.

The BIMIKI Journal is published every 6 months, namely in June and December with the journal contributors and editors coming from Nursing students from various institutions in Indonesia.

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